Search SBA Terms

SBA Glossary

Common SBA Terms

Full list of common terms used to discuss SBA Loans.
Accrual Basis Accounting
recognizes revenues when earned and expenses are...
The acquiring of supplies or...
Adjusted Net Worth
Post disaster fair market value of tangible...
Business concerns are affiliates if one concern...
Affiliated Group
When two or more...
Business concerns, organizations, or...
A non-cash operating expense that...
Applicant Entity
The business entity requesting...
Applicant Individual
aka who is requesting an SBA loan...
Business entity and person requesting...
The amount of current assets that is left...
Available Asset Test
Part of the CET that determines if an applicant(s) has...
B/E (Business EIDL) Loan
A business loan that...
Balance Sheet or Statement of Financial Position
Assets = Liabilities + Equity...
Best and Final Offer
For negotiated procurements...
Break-even Analysis
A calculation of the approximate sales...
Business Activity
The business (or loss) activity of...
Capital Leases
are for the purchase of fixed assets such as...
Cash Available to Service Additional Debt (CASAD)
The cash flow determined that...
Cash Flow Test
Part of the CET that determines if...
Cash-basis Accounting
records revenue when cash is...
Certificate of Competency
A certificate issued by the Small Bus...
Certified 8(a) Firm
A firm owned and operated by socially and...
Coastal Barrier Resource Area (COBRA)
A flood prone area in which...
Assets pledged by a borrower to secure a loan...
Companion File
When an applicant has another application filed...
Comparative Analysis
Is designed to point out significant trends that...
A mutually binding legal rel..
Purchasing, renting, leasing, or...
Contracting Officer
A person with the authority to...
Contractor Team Arrangement
An arrangement in which...
Corporation (C-corp.)
The most common form of business org...
Credit Elsewhere Test (CET)
The test to determine the...
Credit Score Test
Part of the home loan CET show a...
Current Assets
A balance sheet item which equals...
Current Liabilities
A balance sheet item, which...
ex. Blocker & Sons LLC, doing business as Bob's Burgers
Days Payable
A measure of the average time a...
Days Receivable
A measure of the average time a...
Defense Acquisition Regulatory Council (DARC)
A group composed of rep...
Defense Contractor
Any person who enters into...
A non-cash operating expense that...
Duplicated Interest
The amount of interest exp...
Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)
a working capital loan that...
Electronic Data Interchange
Transmission of information bet...
Emerging Small Business
A small business concern whose...
An accounting term used to...
Extraordinary Items
Additional expenses that are...
Fair and Reasonable Price
A price that is fair to both parties...
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
The body of regulations which is...
Full and Open Competition
With respect to a contract action...
The measure of every sales dollar left...
The legal entity and...
Hardship Waiver
Method used to approve a...
Income Statement
Shows the entity’s income and...
Injury Analysis
Measures the effects of...
Injury Period
The time period during...
Intermediary Organization
Organizations that play a funda...
Joint Venture
In the SBA Mentor-Protégé Program...
A financial obligation...
A legal claim against an...
Limited Liability Entities (company/partnership)
An LLE provides business owners with...
Limited Partnership
A business organization with one or...
Loan Authorization and Agreement (LA&A)
A contract between SBA and the borrower that...
A business, usually large, or...
NAICS codes are common...
Contracting through the use of...
Normal Annual Sales
Those sales that would have...
Normal Gross Margin
The margin that would have been...
Operating Leases
are deducted on the company’s...
P&L (Profit and Loss Statement)
also considered as Income Statement or...
A mutually beneficial business-to-bus...
A type of unincorporated business org...
Phase 1
Process used to determine the...
Phase 2
Process to be used to determine economic injury for...
Physical Loans
Funds to repair/replace dis...
Primary Activity
The major business activity of...
Prime Contract
A contract awarded directly...
the owner(s) of the Applicant Entity that...
An estimate of future economic or...
A firm in a developmental stage that...
Request for Proposal (RFP)
A document outlining a...
A form of corporation, allowed by...
SAE (Stand Alone Economic Injury Disaster Loan)
provide necessary working capital to...
Counselors to America's Small Bus...
Schedule of Liabilities
A business debt schedule that lists all of the debts...
Small Business
A business smaller than...
Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)
SBDCs offer a broad spec...
Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Contract
A type of contract designed to...
Small Disadvantaged Business Concern
A small business concern that...
Sole Proprietor
an individual who...
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code
A code representing a category within...
A contract between a prime cont...
A company for which a majority of the...
Substantial Damage
This means uninsured or otherwise uncompensated...
Trend Analysis
A comparative analysis of...
Working Capital (WC)
The amount of current assets that...

SBA 7a Loans

The 7(a) Loan Program, SBA’s most common loan program, includes assistance for each business with unique needs.

SBA 504 Loans

The 504 Loan Program is very popular for long-term, fixed rate financing of up to $5 million for major fixed assets.

SBA Microloans

The average Microloan is about $13,000. The Microloans program provides loans up to $50,000 to small businesses.